Share your lodge’s resilience, triumphs and innovations throughout another difficult year.

The Lodge Achievement forms can be downloaded or completed online by logging in to, and accessing the forms section: Lodge Forms | Sons of Norway  They are typically completed by the lodge Secretary with the help of other board members, along with the Family Lodge of the Year and the AFA Year End Report form.

There are two big changes to the Lodge Achievement forms this year:

  • A new section, “Introduce Your Lodge” has been added to the top of the form. It includes two open-ended questions. This section is not scored and is voluntary.
  • There is now just one form for all lodges in the U.S. The Financial section of Part 2 has been reworked so it can apply to all US lodges in all states.

Lodges who complete the Lodge Achievement form are eligible to win District or International Lodge of the Year along with Gold, Silver and Bronze Merit awards. However, lodges must also report their total number of events and volunteer hours using either the AFA Year End Report, or by tracking their data using

The deadline for The Lodge Achievement forms, Family Lodge of the Year forms and the AFA Year End Reports is March 15, 2022. Please contact  [email protected] with any questions.