>>Foundation Update: Check out New Grant and Scholarship Opportunities!

The Sons of Norway Foundation has exciting news about changes to the grant and scholarship offerings:

  • Lodge Culture and Heritage Grant is only available to Sons of Norway lodges.
  • Community Partnership Grant accepts applications from non-members.
  • A new grant has been added promote lodge vitality.
  • Helping Hands to Children Grant no longer requires that an award be matched.
  • A scholarship has been added for adult learners.

Check out the application portal in October of this year for these and other opportunities.

Lodge Vitality Grant: Up to $1,000, due December 15

The Lodge Vitality Grant has been newly created to focus on “giving lodges a boost” in their operating budget that they would not likely receive from other sources. Applicants must provide an itemized budget, explain how they will use the funds and demonstrate how this grant will help with the lodge’s growth or goals.

Examples of eligible projects include replacement of aged or failing equipment that may be vital to the lodge’s meetings/programs, new initiatives to increase membership, a new program to engage younger generations, etc.

Lodge Culture and Heritage Grant: Up to $1,500, due December 15

Formerly titled the “General Heritage and Culture Grant,” this grant opportunity accepts proposals from lodges in Canada, Norway and the United States for activities that promote and preserve Nordic culture.

Examples of eligible projects include cultural classes, lodge cultural fairs, hosting of visiting groups, making/purchasing instructional videos, etc.


Helping Hands to Children Grant: Up to $500, due December 15

All lodges from Canada, Norway and the United States are invited to apply to support children’s programming in the lodge or for children’s projects/programming in the local community. Providing matching funds is no longer required in order to be awarded this grant.

Examples of eligible projects include providing an Adopt-A-School project or program, providing children’s heritage programming, purchasing books for reading programs, purchasing equipment for a school or a children’s program/activity, providing mentoring services, purchasing program supplies and contributing to community programs for children.

Community Partnership Grant: Up to $1,000, due December 1

In keeping with the mission of the Sons of Norway Foundation, non-members from Canada, Norway and the United States are invited to apply for support for projects that will promote Nordic culture and heritage.

Examples include programs/projects in the fine arts, festivals, parades, genealogy conferences, etc. Up to a maximum of five grants per year may be awarded.

The Helen Tronvold Scholarship for Adult Learners: Up to $3,000, due January 15, 2018

This exciting, new opportunity is for insurance benefit members over the age of 40 to enable them to take class(s) in Norway, including at Oslo International Summer School.

More detailed information on these and other opportunities can be found in the Foundation section of www.sofn.com and will be available on the grant and scholarship application portal in October 2017.