In 2023, the Sons of Norway Foundation distributed over $241,000 in awards.
$160,000 In Scholarships for students to study in the United States, Canada, and Norway
$67,336 In Grants for Norwegian culture and heritage programs
$14,000 In Camperships for kids across the United States to attend Norwegian cultural camps
Faithful to Our Mission and Members
At the Sons of Norway Foundation, we are driven by a sense of purpose: to celebrate Nordic culture and heritage through scholarships and grants to our members and communities. Since 1966, staying true to this purpose, we have been supporting our members through scholarships and cultural exchange opportunities, providing disaster relief to members in need, and funding community programs that celebrate Norwegian heritage and culture.
A donation to the Sons of Norway Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, is a contribution to the positive impact we make through community, youth, educational, and cultural projects.
Our Core Values
1. Building Nordic culture and heritage for the future
2. Committing to life-long learning and service
3. Demonstrating compassion for our members in need
4. Sustaining the link to contemporary Norway
5. Fostering a community of generosity
The Sons of Norway Foundation awards approximately 25 scholarships to promising students each year. These programs promote cultural exchange and support higher education to help students follow their dreams.
The Sons of Norway Foundation offers six categories of grants that provide funding for Norwegian themed programming. Learn more about these opportunities, as well as how we partner with lodges in their community efforts.
Ways to Give
When you donate to the Sons of Norway Foundation, you are helping to strengthen our Nordic legacy and keep our vibrant communities thriving for generations to come.
Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada

The Sons of Norway Foundation in Canada provides scholarships for post secondary education in Canada for Canadian residents. Makes available bursaries and grants for Norwegian heritage activities and cultural exchanges as well as humanitarian causes