The Minnesota Trilogy
Do you love Scandinavian crime fiction? Be sure to check out books by celebrated Norwegian mystery writer Vidar Sundstøl. In the February 2015 issue of Viking, we feature a Q&A with Sundstøl on page 46.
Do you love Scandinavian crime fiction? Be sure to check out books by celebrated Norwegian mystery writer Vidar Sundstøl. In the February 2015 issue of Viking, we feature a Q&A with Sundstøl on page 46.
In the November 2014 issue of Viking, we highlight savvy Norwegian businesswoman Anita Krohn Traaseth. In September, she started a new role as director for Innovation Norway. The busy business leader, author, blogger, wife and mother of three believes in...
or all the similarities between Norwegian and American culture, I am perpetually fascinated by the differences, sometimes small and sometimes gaping, that I occasionally stumble across. One of the most interesting to me is the Norwegian concept of allemannsretten (ALL-eh-mahns-ret-en). Literally meaning “everyman’s right,” allemannsretten is also called “the freedom to roam” in English.