
2025: The Year of Friluftsliv

Friluftsliv has long been an important part of Norwegian society. It translates to “open-air-life” and is the concept of embracing the outdoors and connecting with nature. The idea behind friluftsliv has been around for centuries as can be seen in philosopher’s books such as those written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Henry David Thoreau.  

By |January 14th, 2025|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Updated Christmas Tradition

The Christmas season is upon us! For many, this time of year is full of traditions. Some traditions may have been passed down to us, while others we create along the way. Those of us from Scandinavian heritage may share some of the same traditions.

By |December 18th, 2024|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Meet Ornament Creator Karen Van Loan

Most, if not all of you have seen – and hopefully purchased – this year’s Sons of Norway Christmas ornament. Continuing in the tradition that started in 2009, our annual ornament is designed by a talented rosemaler in the style of their artistic training. The ornament this year was painted by Karen Van Loan of Apple Valley, Minnesota. 

By |November 25th, 2024|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

A Universal Word

While Norwegian and English certainly share many words in common, there are plenty of examples where their vocabulary diverges. Take for example, words such as ski, cat/katt and fjord, which need little translation.

By |November 24th, 2024|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Cardamom Braid / Borgermesterstang

Ingredients: 2/3 c butter or margarine   16.9 oz milk   2 packets active dry yeast   1/2 tsp. salt   1/2 - 2/3 cup sugar 2 tsp. cardamom   1 egg   approx. 7 1/2 cups all-purpose flour   Brushing and Garnishing:   1 egg   granulated sugar   Directions:   Melt the butter, add the milk and heat it to [...]

By |November 23rd, 2024|Categories: Blog|0 Comments
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