Sons of Norway Blog

The mission of Sons of Norway is to promote and to preserve the heritage and culture of Norway, to celebrate our relationship with other Nordic countries, and provide quality insurance and financial products to our members.

A Design Lover’s Guide to Norway

Brimming with cultural hotspots, eye-catching hotels, cool galleries, scenic viewpoints and bold architecture, Norway is a haven for design inspiration. Check out the May issue of Viking magazine to learn more about some of our favorite places, including...

June 29th, 2020|Blog|

As Norway Slowly Reopens, What’s Next for Tourism?

For the past 10 years, Norway’s tourism and travel industry has been booming. Going into 2020, the nation was setting all-time records for overnight stays—and that’s without counting small, private rentals like Airbnb. Then the coronavirus hit, and travel ground to a halt.

June 11th, 2020|Blog|

Norway’s Syttende Mai Celebrations Go Virtual

Historically in Norway, the 17th of May is a day filled with ceremonies, singing, dancing, parades and overall celebration. However, this year Norway’s Constitution Day will be a bit different. Because of Covid-19, major events including Syttende Mai celebrations have been banned.

May 13th, 2020|Blog|

Celebrate Syttende Mai at Home

Syttende Mai is a celebration of Norwegian culture and coming together with family and community. In a time when in-person parades and parties are on hold, you can find ways to celebrate Syttende Mai while maintaining a safe physical distance. Here are some ideas for a home-based celebration:

May 1st, 2020|Blog|

Will Regional Reform Result in New Bunads?

As of January 2020, Norway’s 19 previous fylker (counties) have merged into 11, following a 2017 decision by Stortinget (the Norwegian parliament). Now that this regional reform has taken effect, does it follow that bunader (region-specific Norwegian folk costumes) will undergo a transformation?

April 14th, 2020|Blog|

Cool New Buildings in Oslo

Oslo is filled with unique and stunning architecture, and a few new buildings will soon be adding to the city’s cultural cache. While many beautiful new building projects have gone up in Oslo in recent years, here are a few noteworthy highlights to check out.

April 12th, 2020|Blog|

Royal Fun

Have you read the April issue of Viking? Royal enthusiasts should check out our “Royal Tour of Norway” feature. The 1,000-plus-year-old Norwegian monarchy is one of the oldest in the world. Throughout the years, more than 60 kings have claimed the throne.

April 8th, 2020|Blog|

Lær deg litt norsk!*

Finding yourself with extra free time lately? This is a great opportunity to *learn some Norwegian or improve on the language skills you already have. Beginners can learn the basics on our website. (Members, log in to hear phrases pronounced by native speakers.)

March 31st, 2020|Blog|
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