When my great-grandmother and seterjente (mountain shepherdess and dairymaid) Anne Berta Pedersdatter left behind family and home in Norway, her last residence was Helsæt gard in Sunnylven kommune. The site of that same farm was recently the landing pad of the latest stunt in Tom Cruise’s movie Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1.
Gerd and Fredrik Helset
Gerd Helset lives with her husband Fredrik (my distant cousin) at Helset farm, now in the town of Hellesylt. I checked in with Gerd to find out her thoughts on their town’s brush with Hollywood. Note that my questions are in bokmål and Gerd’s answers are in dialekt/nynorsk.
Fant filmingen sted på Hellesylt?
Did the filming take place in Hellesylt?
På Hellesylt og Åndalsnes (togscenene).
In Hellesylt and Åndalsnes (the train scenes).
Besøkte du settet for det store hoppet?
Did you visit the set for the big jump?
Eg besøkte ikkje, men Peder, Anita og Fredrik (sønn, svigerdatter og mann) var på Kopen og såg på bygginga.
I didn’t visit it, but my son, daughter-in-law and husband were on the mountain [Helsetkopen] and watched the construction.
Hvor lang tid tok det å bygge rampen?
How long did it take to build the ramp?
Tok to måneder, montering og demontering.
It took two months- construction and break-down.
Så du på noen av hoppene?
Did you watch any of the jumps?
Eg såg alle hoppa frå vår veranda.
I saw all of the jumps from our veranda.
Dette er Kopen, sett frå vår uteplass.
This is the ridge, as seen from our patio.
Så du Tom Cruise, eller snakket du med noen fra filmteamet?
Did you see Tom Cruise, or talk with any of the film crew?
Det var ei hektisk tid med vakter på garden. Mykje helikopterflyging frå morgon til kveld. Tom hadde telt (base) på en del av vår grunn.
It was a hectic time with guards on the farm. Lots of helicopters flying from morning ‘til evening. Tom had a tent on part of our land.
Hva var generelle reaksjonen fra folk som bor i området?
What was the general reaction from people living in the area?
Stor stas for folket.
It’s been so fun for people.
See the motorcycle jump from Helsetkopen at the end of the official movie trailer.
Watch the making of the stunt.