Hygge Lifestyle Trend on the Rise
With recent articles in The New York Times, TIME, Forbes and more, the Nordic lifestyle trend “hygge” (pronounced HIG-geh) is gaining popularity and inspiring audiences outside Scandinavia to embrace a cozy lifestyle. A hallmark of modern Danish culture, the word hygge originates from the Norwegian word for “well-being” and first appeared in Danish writing in the early 1800s.
More With Rick Steves
In the January 2017 issue of Viking, we talked with renowned author, television host and travel expert Rick Steves about his passion for Scandinavia. His wanderlust began with a family trip to visit Norwegian relatives as a teenager.
Nordic Heritage Night at the Timberwolves
Sons of Norway is pleased to invite members and [...]
In Memory of Raymond P. Knutson
1936 – 2017 Sons of Norway has lost a [...]
Sons of Norway Congratulates HM King Harald V on His 25 Year Reign
Like yesterday, today is a very special day as [...]
Celebrate Founders’ Day
January 16 marks Founders’ Day – the day in [...]
“Skam” is T.V. for Teens, by Teens
A unique t.v. series has taken Norway by social [...]
Resolve to Help Your Lodge in 2017
Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Every [...]
Norwegian Reindeer Moss: Plant of Many Uses
Did you know that Norway is a worldwide supplier [...]
2017 Holiday Planning Guide
Sons of Norway is pleased to bring you the [...]
The Tallies are In!
This week, Sons of Norway Chief Executive Officer Eivind [...]
Sons of Norway Hires New Foundation Director Ahead of Golden Jubilee
Sons of Norway announced today that Corrie Maki Knudson [...]
Inspiring Young Minds
Norwegian innovator Johan Brand is on a mission to [...]
Holiday Wish List
November is here, and it’s time to make your [...]
It Takes Two
In the November 2016 issue of Viking we talked [...]
Celebrate Immigrant Roots, Unite to Build a Caring Community
Minnesota Senator John Marty is a featured speaker at [...]
Six Extraordinary Countries: Countless Ways to Experience Scandinavia!
Sons of Norway is pleased to bring you the [...]
Hear a Hopeful Message, Get the Inside Scoop on Minnesota Media
Award-winning TPT political reporter and program host Mary Lahammer [...]
Five Odd-But-True Tidbits About Norway
Norway is a beautiful country with a long and interesting history. But in addition to its interesting history and reputation for being friendly, active, and spectacularly beautiful, Norway has some distinctively odd characteristics and traditions. Here are five intriguing, strange facts about Norway.
Celebrate Leif Erikson throughout October
Leif Erikson is probably the most iconic Viking of [...]
Summing Up the 2016 Sons of Norway International Convention
From a rosemaled spice cabinet to a complete Illinois [...]
2016 Winners: International Folk Art Competition
A vibrant, action-packed convention took place in Tacoma last [...]
Trivia, Gourmet Dining and More at Norsk Høstfest 2016
In less than two weeks tens of thousands will [...]
Embracing Norway’s Wonders
Sons of Norway is pleased to bring you the [...]
International Diplomat
Photo by Becca Tilly In the September issue [...]