Photo credit: Adam Read, Visit Sørlandet
Every summer, a small village just west of the southern tip of Norway explodes into “Four Days of Happiness,” a celebration featuring camping, concerts, parades, and exotic foods, which culminates with a citywide street dance. Get out your Uncle Sam hat, your classic Ford Mustang, and your love of Elvis and rock out at the American Festival in Lista, Norway, running June 23 -June 26, 2022!
The southern reaches of Norway have been closely tied with North America since the early 20th century, when nearly half the region’s population emigrated to the USA. They found the land of opportunity in Brooklyn, New York, settling in the Big Apple after World War II. The 1970s brought a new exodus back to southern Norway, infusing the region with the mix of American and Norwegian culture you can explore today.
After you have recovered from all the fun in Lista, it is just a 20-mile jog north to the to the municipality of Kvinesdal. About 10% of the residents of Kvinesdal are US citizens and it isn’t unusual to meet your neighbors Steve, Stanley and Gladys at Nico’s Café for a hamburger and fries. You can also visit the Utvandrermuseet – the American Emigrant Museum on Sundays during July, and then stroll to the town center to pay homage to the bronze monument depicting a Norwegian family about to leave for new adventures in America.
If you are still hungry for barbecue and the blues, don’t miss the 4th of July extravaganza in Oslo. This year, it is being held on the 3rd of July in Frogner Park, which is also home to the Vigeland Sculpture Park, Norway’s largest playground, and many other sites to explore after you’ve won the watermelon eating contest!
Visit these websites for more information on these celebrations of the unique ties between Norway and North America:
Lista American Festival (in Norwegian but the pictures say it all!): https://www.americanfestival.no/
Kvinesdal: https://en.visitsorlandet.com/kvinesdal/things-to-do/american-heritage/
Oslo 4th of July: ACCN – American Coordinating Council of Norway