Friluftsliv has long been an important part of Norwegian society. It translates to “open-air-life” and is the concept of embracing the outdoors and connecting with nature. The idea behind friluftsliv has been around for centuries as can be seen in philosopher’s books such as those written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Henry David Thoreau.

In Norway, specifically, the term friluftsliv is believed to have been first used by Henrik Ibsen in his poem, «På vidderne» (On the Heights). Peter Wessel Zapffe and Arne Næss were also important Norwegian figures in shaping a special relationship to nature. One of Næss’ main concepts was that “deep experiences of nature ultimately lead to a deep commitment to nature.” 

Although friluftsliv has existed for quite some time, it is something that needs to be practiced consistently to keep us in tune with nature. It is evident that the Norway recognizes this as they celebrate the concept every decade, with 2025 marking another celebration.  

January 18, 2025, marks the opening of Friluftslivet 2025 – The Year of Outdoor Life 2025. People across Norway will celebrate by gathering around bonfires in various Norwegian cities from 12:00 – 15:00 (noon to 3 pm). Bente Lier, the Secretary General of Norsk Friluftsliv, Norway’s outdoor association, says: “What better way than to start it all off with a national bonfire party, where we meet around the warmth of the fire with something hot in our cups?” Lier hopes that the outdoor activities planned in 2025 will encourage participation and will afford everyone the chance to enjoy an outing in nature. 

The face of the celebration this year is none other than Crown Prince Haakon. He will be opening the celebration at Sognsvann in Oslo. The Norsk Friluftsliv association is very excited that the Crown Prince will be joining them as he has always shown a great commitment to outdoor life and will be an inspiration for many to be more outdoorsy in 2025. 

We can all learn something from Norway’s dedication to their beautiful outdoor environment. Take some time this year to enjoy what nature has to offer and be in the moment in your surroundings. Just remember that friluftsliv is meant for everyone at any given time, regardless of age, ability, or weather. The possibilities and benefits are endless.