
About Kåre Aas

Ambassador Kåre R. Aas previously served as Norway's Ambassador to the United States.

Seven Years as Norway’s Ambassador

I have served as Norway’s Ambassador to the United States for the past seven years. It has been a privilege and an honor to work every day on further developing the already excellent relationship between our two countries. In a few weeks I will leave Washington, D.C., and move on to new challenges.

By |July 27th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Seven Years as Norway’s Ambassador

Multilateral Cooperation in Times of Crisis

At this time of great uncertainty and global disruption, a coordinated international response through a functioning multilateral system is needed more than ever—a system where countries work together as members of international organizations. We are all affected by the coronavirus, and no country can overcome this crisis alone.

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |Comments Off on Multilateral Cooperation in Times of Crisis

Gender Equality = Smart Economics

Women’s empowerment lies at the heart of Norway’s economic policies. Gender equality means realizing the potential of both halves of the population. For Norway, women’s participation is a pillar of our welfare state and has played a key role in our economic growth.

By |March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Gender Equality = Smart Economics

Smart and Sustainable Cities

Cross-country skiing is a favorite Norwegian pastime. Norwegians will definitely be following our ski team as they participate in the World Cup race hosted in Minneapolis mid-March – the first time in two decades such a race has been held in the United States. This is a unique opportunity to showcase the sport to a broader audience. I’ll be there, and look forward to days filled with sports, debates and seminars.

By |March 3rd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Smart and Sustainable Cities

New Norwegian Cuisine: The Future of Seafood

Imagine sitting on the ocean floor, surrounded by aquatic life. It is dim and dark, but the ocean light that shines in front of you draws you into a sea of wonders. You are beneath the surface, and this is your dining room. Here in Lindesnes, at the southernmost point of the Norwegian coast...

By |February 3rd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on New Norwegian Cuisine: The Future of Seafood

Norway, a Strong Trading Partner of the United States

Ever since Norway’s independence in 1905, the relations between Norway and the United States have created a wealth of economic opportunities for both countries. A report prepared by the Norwegian Embassy shows that trade with and investments from Norway support almost half a million jobs across the United States.

By |January 2nd, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Norway, a Strong Trading Partner of the United States

It’s Good to Have Friends—the Norwegian-American Security Relationship

If you were to google “U.S. military and Norway,” the top video result would be footage of very cold and wet U.S. Marines struggling to clamber out of a hole in the ice on a frozen lake. It can be entertaining. But more important, it is an example of the excellent Norwegian–American security relationship and the close partnership between democracies on both sides of the North Atlantic.

By |December 11th, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on It’s Good to Have Friends—the Norwegian-American Security Relationship

The Arctic–A Frozen Region Warms Up

This November, millions of families will visit an Arctic fairytale land when Disney’s “Frozen 2” opens in movie theaters across the United States. With its snow-covered mountains, fjords, trolls and reindeer, the movie will surely remind many Norwegian-Americans of their ancestral homeland.

By |November 11th, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on The Arctic–A Frozen Region Warms Up

Toward a Green Transition

When I was growing up, Norway wasn’t the rich, oil-producing, technologically advanced country that you see today. The last import restrictions on cars weren’t lifted until 1960. Telephone coverage was spotty: If you wanted a phone in your house, you might have to wait up to two years for a technician to come install one.

By |October 3rd, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Toward a Green Transition

Social Welfare Services—A Good Investment

Every now and then I meet people who ask me about the level of social welfare services available in Norway. Many are impressed by the coverage, which includes health care benefits for everyone, one year of parental leave, unemployment benefits and a minimum retirement payment—even for people who have never worked.

By |July 25th, 2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Social Welfare Services—A Good Investment
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