
Berry Cool

Looking to beat the heat with some sweet treats? In Viking’s August 2018 issue, Norwegian baker and food stylist Paul Lowe  (aka Sweet Paul) shows us how with his blackberry and raspberry striped ice pops.

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August 15 Leadership Conference: A Time to Embrace Dugnad

Join us for the 2018 Leadership Conference to be held August 15 in Bloomington, Minn., and prepare to Motivate—Maximize—Mobilize to benefit your community and your lodge. Conference participants will leave with new resources and tactics to build awareness of their lodge and its activities and will be inspired by volunteer success stories and ideas to take back to their communities. Sign [...]

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August is for Family

Happy National Family Fun Month! With school almost back in session and fall just around the corner, August is the perfect time to make lasting memories with your kids and loved ones before busy schedules take over. Here are a few family-favorite activities - with a Norwegian flair - to help you celebrate all month long. Norwegian Bingo – Use a [...]

By |August 14th, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on August is for Family

Sons of Norway Welcomed Nearly 1700 New Members In the USA, Canada and Norway in 2018

See the latest results by lodge now                               An extra “Congratulations!” to recruiting members who received $25 gift cards in our April, May, June and July monthly recruiter drawings. Much appreciation to our sponsors of these gifts: Our Sons of Norway Financial Services department, bringing members peace of [...]

By |August 11th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Not For Home Page|Comments Off on Sons of Norway Welcomed Nearly 1700 New Members In the USA, Canada and Norway in 2018

Midnight Sun Adventures

Have you ever wondered what causes the midnight sun to occur? Check out the August issue of Viking magazine to learn about the science behind the phenomenon. Hint: It’s all about Earth’s axial tilt towards the sun.

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Norway Tops the List for its Work-Life Culture

In addition to its energetic outdoor lifestyle and unique culture, Norway is known for its exceptional standard of living and for having developed a work-life balance that other countries envy.

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Cooking with Katrín

In the July issue of Viking, we feature three seafood recipes from Scandinavian author, photographer and blogger Katrín Björk. Originally from Iceland, she lived in Denmark for 14 years and is now based in New York’s Hudson Valley.

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Sharing the Gift of Genealogy

The box of old letters that unlocks a family connection … an anniversary party photo showing multiple generations … documentation like this can provide priceless clues in tracing your family lineage. People tend to view genealogy as a look back in time, rather than a piece of the present.

By |July 12th, 2018|Categories: Blog|Tags: |Comments Off on Sharing the Gift of Genealogy

Our Secret Weapon: The fourth “F”

Sons of Norway membership benefits tout the three “Fs”: Financial, Foundation and Fellowship. But don’t forget the appeal of an important fourth “F” – FOOD! There’s nothing quite like sharing our Nordic favorites – lefse, seafood, julekake and more—to make new friends.

By |July 9th, 2018|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Our Secret Weapon: The fourth “F”

By the Sea

With its vast stretches of coastline and pristine waters, Scandinavia is a nature lover’s dream. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the coast for some relaxation and fun. The July issue of Viking magazine highlights five unique seaside resorts. Here, we highlight three more.

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