
Ordering Lodge Supplies

There have been a lot of changes in the way lodges can order supplies during 2021! Many of the items that used to be available through Sons of Norway Headquarters can now be ordered from our new dedicated website for lodge officers:  Some of the products you can find here are: Sports Medals and Cultural Skills Pins Member Anniversary Pins [...]

By |November 5th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Resource Blog|Comments Off on Ordering Lodge Supplies

Attract New Members and Connect with Current Members

From Zoom meetings to drive-through dinners and virtual classes, we’ve heard terrific ideas to keep members engaged. Do you have a tip to share about attracting new members or engaging current members? Please email it to [email protected] and we will share the ideas in a future issue of Leadership Resource. Here are recent ideas and tips from lodge leaders: Nordkap Lodge [...]

By |November 5th, 2021|Categories: 2021, Resource Blog|Comments Off on Attract New Members and Connect with Current Members

Five Must-Watch Nordic Films

Fall is officially here, and it’s the perfect time to plan a Nordic-themed movie night. Whether you’re looking for an inspiring documentary, heartwarming comedy or adventure film that keeps you on the edge of your seat, you have plenty of options to choose from.

By |October 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Five Must-Watch Nordic Films

When Leif Went to Washington

To celebrate the first annual Leif Erikson Day in the U.S., in 1964, Minnesota Governor Rolvaag asked Sons of Norway and the Minnesota press to find a young man with the same name. Fifteen Minnesotans responded, but not all were of Norwegian descent. Gradually, the number was narrowed to two - a boy of 11 from Austin and Leif, age 17, from Moorhead. Since the Leif Eriksen coming to the ceremony from Norway was 16 years old, the 17-year-old Minnesotan was deemed a better choice. 

By |October 14th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on When Leif Went to Washington

Halloween in Norway

Halloween is an American holiday which didn’t catch on in the rest of the world until recently. However, it has increasingly become a phenomenon in various parts of the globe. One country that has grown well-acquainted with Halloween is Norway. The traditions of Halloween were “imported” to Norway in the late 90’s and are now quite common, at least in the larger cities.

By |October 14th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Halloween in Norway

Ladies Tour of Norway’s Swan Song

Spanning across the southeast region of Østfold in Viken county, the 7th edition of the Ladies Tour of Norway was held this year from August 12-15. The athletes in this world-class bicycle race compete as teams of up to 6 cyclists, often riding close to each other to take advantage of drafting, and use a variety of other tactics to reduce drag and increase speed. This year’s race featured 18 teams, crewed by top competitors from all over the world.

By |October 13th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Ladies Tour of Norway’s Swan Song

Going Green: What to Know About Electric Cars in Norway

In the October issue of Viking, we explored how Norway has been taking sustainable steps forward by using electric ferries. The country currently has 31 fully-electric ferries in operation, and that number is expected to grow substantially.

By |October 7th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Going Green: What to Know About Electric Cars in Norway

Three Norwegian Breweries to Discover

Norway has a vibrant brewery culture and an interesting wine history to match. In the September issue of Viking magazine, we explored the wine culture found throughout Scandinavia.

By |September 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Comments Off on Three Norwegian Breweries to Discover
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