border collie jumping in the woodsIn Norway, there are around 200 dog breeds of all sizes and temperaments. Each year, the Norwegian Kennel Club releases a list of the country’s most popular dog breeds. A look at this list reveals a bit about what Norwegians look for in a pet.

“The dogs on the top ten list are all suitable for people with an active lifestyle, and who like to go for walks in the woods and fields,” according to the club’s director, Torbjørn Brenna.

Topping last year’s list for the sixth year in a row is the border collie, a high-energy working breed with a keen mind. This athletic dog is well-suited to agility and obedience training, and requires an owner with enough time to keep both mind and body stimulated.

Here are the top 10 dog breeds for 2019:

  1. Border collie
  2. Staffordshire bull terrier
  3. Labrador retriever
  4. Golden retriever
  5. English setter
  6. Norwegian elkhound
  7. German shepherd
  8. Havanese
  9. Shetland sheepdog (Sheltie)
  10. Pomeranian

Many of these breeds are fairly active and require a considerable commitment. If you are looking into getting a dog, Brenna suggests being realistic and finding one that is a match for your lifestyle.

Kine Bjølsen Opstad, product manager of dog insurance at If, a major Nordic insurance company, cautions against emphasizing looks over behavior. She encourages people to find out what a breed is naturally good at, and then choose a pet to fit in with your home environment and habits. “A dog is a partner you will live with for many years, so it is important to find one that has the same needs as you,” says Bjølsen Opstad.

Once you’ve found yourself a compatible dog, you’ve got to come up with a fitting name.
Here are the current top names for dogs in Norway, according to

Female Dogs






Male dogs






Going for an unusual name? Type your name ideas into’s dog name search box and see how the name ranks. Then you can find other name ideas, from Alvin (67th most popular) to Zelma (#1036).