Syttende Mai Parade with Norwegian flagsSyttende Mai is a celebration of Norwegian culture and coming together with family and community. In a time when in-person parades and parties are on hold, you can find ways to celebrate Syttende Mai while maintaining a safe physical distance. Here are some ideas for a home-based celebration:

Festive foods
Go classic: Eat hot dogs wrapped in lefse and consume as much ice cream and soda as you like

Get fancy: Make brunch with cold cuts, cheese, smørbrød and waffles, and serve it with sparkling juice or champagne

Make a kransekake  or other cake and decorate it with Norwegian flags

Virtual parade
Wave flags to this recording of last year’s Oslo parade, and chime in with “Hipp-hipp! Hurra!”
Take in a bunad fashion show
Sing “Ja, Vi Elsker” with Det Norske Solistkor
Watch a band performance and give a virtual wave to the Royal Family

Celebrate your heritage
Fly the Norwegian flag – the more, the better
Learn the patriotic song that Sons of Norway is named after
Read up on the history of the signing of the Norwegian constitution

Have some fun
Take a quiz about Norway
Read facts about Syttende Mai
Learn some basic Norwegian phrases

Community pride
Clean up your street or your park
Plan a volunteer activity for your lodge to do once you can meet again

What are you doing to mark the holiday at home?
Share your ideas on Sons of Norway’s Official Facebook Group.